Alexander’s Technique
Alexandra Fridrici (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Claudine Christophe (July 10th to14th 2023)
Sarah Niblack (July 03th to14th 2023)
Renaud Bary (July 3th to 14th 2023
Martin Barral (July 10 to 14th 2023)
Renaud Bary (July 3th to 14th July 2023)
Alexis Girard (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Raphael Moraly (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Chamber music
Franck Masquelier (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Yumiko Yokoi (July 3th to 8th 2023)
First reading
Olivier Dauriat (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Caroline Esposito (July 10h to 14th 2023)
Marie Ishii (10h to 14th july 2023)
Katherine Kemler (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Mihi Kim (10h to 14th july 2023)
Patricia Nagle (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Charlotte Perez (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Flute / Piccolo flute
Patricia Nagle (July 3nd to 14th 2023)
Ceren Baran (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Gabriele Lissia (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Vincea Mcclelland (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Harp / Celtic Harp
Mélanie Dutreil (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Suzanna Klintcharova (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Isabelle Marie (july 10th to 14th)
Valérie Patte (July 03th to 08th 2023)
Alice Bord (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Claudio Chaiquin(July 3th to 8th 2023)
Paolo Costanzo (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Malgosia Fender (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Bertrand Giraud (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Elodie Griscelli (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Francois Henry (July 10th au 14th 2023)
Teresa-Janina Czekaj (July 3st to 14th 2023)
Catherine Lanco (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Guillaume Masson (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Cristian Monti (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Sylvie Nicéphor (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Laurence Oldak (July 3th to 08th 2023)
Frédérique Tamborini-Lagarde (July 3th to 14h 2023)
Elise Richard (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Sinadin (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Florence Spire (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Soraya Verdier (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Francois Henry (July 10th au 14th 2023)
Piano 4 hands
Duo Spina-Benignetti (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Paolo Costanzo (July 10th au 14th 2023)
Philippe Portejoie (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Cecile Bonnet (10th July to 14 July 2023)
Julie Horreaux (July 10th to 14th 2023)
Emmanuelle Naharro (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Sylvie Nicephor (July 3th to 09th 2023)
Mary Saint Palais (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Sylvie Sullé (July 3th to 8th 2023)
Annie Vavrille (July 3th to 14th 2023)
Improvisation libre à la voix
Claudia Solal (10th July to 14th 2023)