Sylvie SULLÉ regulary has performed on the most famous French Lyrical stages such as the Châtelet Théâtre, the Opéra Comique, the National Opera House of Paris-Bastille, the Champs-Elysées Théâtre and the the Pleyel Hall.
Sylvie Sullé studied in France, at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique of Paris with Christiane Eda Pierre, Michel Roux, and Maurice Bourgue, in the classes of whom she was awarded with Prizes of Singing, Lyrical Art and Chamber Music. Her operatic repertoire ranges from Montervedi and Peri to Richard Strauss, as well as composers as various as Mozart or Rossini, Offenbach or Verdi, Honegger or Maderna (Satyrikon).
Ms Sullé’s recital and oratorio repertoire includes Verdi’s Requiem, Haydn’s Paukenmesse, Mendelssohn’s Midsummer’s night dream, Rossini’s Moses, Honegger’s Le Roi David and La Danse des Morts, as well as works of Stravinsky, Tippett, Berio, Boulez, Aperghis, Simon Holt, and Vinko Globokar. Except its engagements as regards great traditional and romantic repertory, she was often requested for Musical Creation because of its privileged aptitudes.
Often we could hear her performances on Radio France where she sang with such conductors as Charles Dutoit, Jean-Claude Casadesus, Alberto Zedda, Gary Bertini, Armin Jordan, Marek Janowski, Lawrence Foster, Richard Hickox, Günther Herbig, Paul Daniel, Friedman Layer, Pinchas Steinberg, Arturo Tamayo, Gérard Korsten, and Gérard Schwarz…
Sylvie Sullé is President of the UPMCF ( Union of the Masters of the French Song) for promoting young opera singers and Titular Professor to Conservatory “Georges Bizet” and to Conservatory « Camille Saint-Saëns »of Paris. Her discography includes the the first international recording of Maurice OHANA`s works which received the prestigious “CHOC” mention from “LE MONDE DE LA MUSIQUE.